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NFT Art Gallery | NFT 작품/초현실주의(1924~1966)

기분 좋은 상상 | A Pleasant Imagination

A Pleasant Imagination - 80 x 80cm Digital Drawing

“예술은 세상이 존재하지 않는 신비를 불러일으킨다.”
Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.
- 르네 마그리트 René Magritte


기분 좋은 상상 |  A Pleasant Imagination


ART FLOW ERA | Surrealism | Salvador Dali, René Magritte, M.C. Escher, Eric Johansson, etc.

작품시대 | 초현실주의 | 살바도르 달리, 르네 마그리트, 에셔, 에릭 요한슨 등





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